Washington Capitals as Star Wars characters

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The Washington Capitals have players who have some striking and hilarious similarities to Star Wars characters. 

The Washington Capitals are the best show on ice right now. They currently lead the Eastern Conference and the Metropolitan Division as they try to defeat every enemy standing in their way of the franchise’s first Stanley Cup. The only thing more popular than the Washington Capitals around these parts is Star Wars.

The Capitals have some players who could be cast as Star Wars characters. Whether it’s their on-ice production, their personalities, or something else entirely, these comparisons will make it impossible to watch Star Wars without thinking about the Caps.

Before we begin, we’ll start with an honorable mention. He’s not on the Caps, but we’re firing shots at him anyway. Pierre McGuire and Jar-Jar Binks are quite similar when you think about it. They both have annoying voices. Star Wars fans generally can’t stand Jar-Jar just like hockey fans immediately push the mute button the moment that Pierre’s face shows up on their television.

It’s fun to make fun of Pierre just like it’s fun to make fun of Jar-Jar. Both might be annoying, but at least they’re good for comic relief.

Let’s begin!

Next: Obi-Wan Kenobi

Mandatory Credit: Amber Searls-USA TODAY Sports

Justin Williams: Obi-Wan Kenobi

Justin Williams was brought in to Washington to help lead the Caps to the Stanley Cup and to be a strong veteran presence. If Kenobi was a hockey player, those would most likely be his two best qualities. Kenobi trained Luke Skywalker and Anakin Skywalker (among others) to be excellent Jedi warriors.

Williams is teaching the Washington Capitals how to win and he’s doing it by showing them the way of the force. Through his three Stanley Cup victories, he has learned what it takes to win the Stanley Cup. He’s passing that information onto the Capitals just as Kenobi passed his infinite wisdom on to Jedis.

Kenobi is very wise and is quite famous for having a way with words. Williams is wise as well and he has been a very quotable player so far for the Capitals. At times, he’s been insightful. Other times, he’s been blunt. He’s even cracked a few jokes at his own expense after inadvertently costing Alex Ovechkin two chances at getting his record-setting goal.

Kenobi was well respected among everyone including members of the Dark Side. Williams has a league-wide reputation for being a classy player and you can tell that his opponents also have a deep respect for him and what he has accomplished.

Mandatory Credit: Geoff Burke-USA TODAY Sports

Tom Wilson: Captain Panaka

Captain Panaka is an obscure reference because he wasn’t a major character in any of the Star Wars movies. He was the bodyguard for Queen Amidala in Episode I. He was fiercely loyal to the queen and proved that he would do everything in his power to protect her. He had some confrontations because he was so loyal to his queen that he swore to protect. At the end of the day, Panaka is the kind of guy you’d want protecting you because you know he’d defend you to the death.

Tom Wilson of the Washington Capitals is the same way. Wilson makes sure that nobody takes cheap shots at his teammates. If someone is dumb enough to, Wilson is not afraid to hold them accountable. Who will soon forget Wilson leveling Jarret Boll after Boll gave a head shot to his roommate and best friend Michael Latta? Who will soon forget how many times the Washington Capitals enforcer has gotten between Braden Holtby and an opponent who thinks that it’s OK to mess with the Holtbeast?

Wilson faces criticism perhaps because he’s too loyal and because he doesn’t do things the way that people are used to those things being done. At the end of the day, the Washington Capitals will happily take Wilson on their side because they feel safe when he’s around.

Next: Wedge Antilles

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Jay Beagle: Wedge Antilles

The Washington Capitals third-line center is a bit of an unsung hero. Nobody notices Jay Beagle most of the time. However, he fills his role quietly and that allows him to come through when the Caps need him to. Wedge Antilles was the same way. You might remember him as the guy who destroyed the Death Star and the second Death Star. Was he the best pilot? Nope. But he had a knack for find a way to be at the right place at the right time. Beagle is the same way. The Caps haven’t lost in regulation in the past two seasons when he gets a point.

Beagle does a bunch of the things that don’t get on the scoresheet. He kills penalties like Bobba Fett killed people who had a bounty on them. He wins important faceoffs and is one of the best centers in the NHL at winning faceoffs.

Wedge was probably the kind of guy who the Dark Side was like, “Ha! We don’t have to worry about that guy! As long as we can stop their big guys, we’re good to go!” Beagle is most likely thought of in the same way. Be wary of underestimating either of the two because when you least expect it, they’ll swoop in and take the enemy by surprise!

Next: Lando Calrissian

Mandatory Credit: Brace Hemmelgarn-USA TODAY Sports

Matt Niskanen: Lando Calrissian

Another obscure reference. Lando Calrissian was known as the guy who betrayed Han Solo, but also known as the guy who winds up saving Princess Leia and leading the attack on the second Death Star. He went from being hated among Star Wars fans to being beloved. Matt Niskanen has gone a similar path during his career. He went from being hated as a member of the Penguins to seeing that light and joining the Washington Capitals.

Lando was slimy guy when he was bad. Niskanen was thought of similarly as a member of the Penguins. But once he came over to the good side, Washington Capitals fans and players have embraced him. They appreciate what he does and he’ll go down in history on a positive note.

Capitals fans might have hated Niskanen at first. He seemed like a shady guy and it almost felt like he was a mole sent by the Penguins to destroy the Caps. With his heroics and his stellar play for the Caps, Capitals fans are willing to overlook and ignore his past transgressions.

It’s fitting that Niskanen is Lando Calrissian. Lando’s a bit underrated as a Star Wars character and is the only character who changes from evil to good in the first six Star Wards movies. Niskanen’s a bit underrated too. It suits him well.

Next: C3PO

Mandatory Credit: Geoff Burke-USA TODAY Sports

T.J. Oshie: C3PO

T.J. Oshie has taken on a huge role with the Washington Capitals just like C3PO has been a huge part of the first six Star Wars movies. Oshie has blended in well with his new team just like how C3PO got along very well with everyone on his “team”. Oshie seems like a person who is quite easy to get along with and darn near impossible to hate. C3PO is the same way. He might be a bit clumsy, but at the end of the day, Stars Wars probably couldn’t have had some much success without C3PO.

Oshie is really good in shootouts. You could argue that he’s the best in the NHL at what he does. His shootout moves are so good, one might say that they’re borderline… robotic. C3PO is a robot. Need I say more? In interviews, Oshie is professional and courteous almost to the point where it’s comical. C3PO was hilarious in Star Wars for the same reason. He’s created some memorable gifs and moments during his brief tenure in DC just like C3PO has become a fan favorite among Star Wars fans.

C3PO and R2D2 were a great duo together. They had some excellent moments together. Oshie has even managed to find his R2D2. We’ll revisit this topic in just a second. C3PO probably wouldn’t be a good skater because he’d trip over himself the entire time, but outside of that, Oshie and C3PO are pretty similar.

Next: R2-D2

Mandatory Credit: Brace Hemmelgarn-USA TODAY Sports

Nicklas Backstrom: R2-D2

R2-D2 is probably the most underrated character in Star Wars. You never really notice him doing anything. But when you think about it, if it wasn’t for R2 saving Princess Leia, Star Wars wouldn’t have been more than a five-minute movie and there certainly wouldn’t be seven Star Wars movies. R2 does all the things that might not get him the attention of, say, Han Solo or Luke Skywalker. R2 doesn’t care. He just wants to help his friends and help his side win. Nicklas Backstrom of the Washington Capitals is eerily similar to R2 because of that.

Backstrom and Oshie have become the R2-D2 and C3PO of the Washington Capitals. You could argue that Tom Wilson and Michael Latta fit that comedic relief duo role better, but they rarely share the ice. Backstrom and Oshie do. They’re not comedic, but they’ve been pretty darn efficient together on the first line. Backstrom is a pretty quiet guy just like R2 is when he’s not back sassing C3PO. The spotlight might be on other guys, but Backstrom doesn’t care about that. He just wants to win.

R2 is also the droid of Luke Skywalker and works extremely well with him, following him wherever he goes. This will be relevant later on.

Now we hit the more obvious comparisons.

Next: Chewbacca

Mandatory Credit: Rick Osentoski-USA TODAY Sports

Braden Holtby: Chewbacca

Washington Capitals goaltender Braden Holtby share some similarities with everyone’s favorite Wookie Chewbacca. Chewbacca would probably be the best possible goalie of all the Star Wars characters (other than possibly Jabba The Hut but he is extremely immobile). One could make the argument that Holtby is at least among the best goalies in the NHL. They both have epic beards and are quite hairy.

Chewbacca is a very intense character. He’s constantly in the middle of things, whether it’s firing weapons or helping Han Solo with his missions. Holtby is often at the center of things, guarding the Capitals net like it’s the Millenium Falcon and he’s facing the Death Star. He’s also an extremely competitive and intense competitor, though he has learned to channel that intensity over the past two seasons. That has made him a much better goalie. Chewbacca is quite good at that too. He’s only aggressive when the situation calls for him to be aggressive.

Holtby is a bit more of a star than Chewbacca was in the Star Wars movies. He’s probably closer to a Han Solo and Chewbacca hybrid. The physical similarities between Holtby and the Wookie are undeniable. Chewbacca is definitely the best fit for Holtby.

Next: Anakin Skywalker

Mandatory Credit: Geoff Burke-USA TODAY Sports

Evgeny Kuznetsov: Anakin Skywalker (Pre-Darth Vader)

The star of the first three Star Wars movies (chronologically speaking) was a young boy by the name of Anakin Skywalker. Skywalker *SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT* becomes Darth Vader after Episode III. If we go back and change it so that Anakin remains a Jedi and remains one of the lead protagonists, that’s what Evgeny Kuznetsov is.

From the moment Anakin is introduced in Episode One, everyone is in awe of the potential that Anakin has. Anakin does magical things on a consistent basis. Kuznetsov does Jedi things with the puck all the time. It’s gotten to the point where Washington Capitals fans have come to expect Jedi mind tricks from Kuznetsov.

Anakin took a while to get used to how things worked for Jedis. He seemed awkward at first. Likewise, Kuznetsov took a while to adjust to the NHL and to learn what Barry Trotz wanted him to do.

At the end of Episode One, Anakin saves the day by piloting an aircraft and destroying the enemy ship and droid army. Everything seemed to click at that moment for Anakin. That was when he realized his destiny. Kuznetsov realized his against the New York Islanders in Game Seven of the first round of the playoffs.

Let’s all hope that Kuznetsov doesn’t turn into Darth Vader.

Next: Yoda

Mandatory Credit: James Guillory-USA TODAY Sports

Barry Trotz: Yoda

Yoda is one of the driving forces of the Star Wars movie. He’s the wise little creature who constantly gives the protagonists advice. He’s a Jedi master. No one in the universe knows more about The Force than Yoda. Barry Trotz is quite similar to Yoda. The obvious comparison is that they are similarly statured. Yoda is tiny, old, and bald. Barry Trotz is tiny, old, and bald.

Yoda is a master of The Force. Barry Trotz is a master of the Washingtoni Capitals and their system. Yoda gives advice to Luke Skywalker and the other main characters in first six Star Wars movies. Barry Trotz is quick to give advice to any of his players, whether that be Alex Ovechkin, Nicklas Backstrom, Braden Holtby, John Carlson, or Tom Wilson.

Yoda had a unique way with words. “Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will.” While Barry Trotz doesn’t speak the same way that Yoda does, he has his own special way with words. It’s completely different from Yoda’s, but it is equally endearing.

“You know what, I don’t know,” Trotz said, via 106.7. “I can’t figure that out either. When I first came to the States 25 years ago, I said, ‘Gravy on fries?’ and they looked at me sideways. I don’t get it. You put gravy on your potatoes. Fries are potatoes. Why don’t we have more gravy on them? I’m with you on that.” Barry Trotz-isms are getting to the same level of quotable quotes as Yoda-isms among Washington Capitals fans.

Next: Luke Skywalker

Mandatory Credit: Candice Ward-USA TODAY Sports

Alex Ovechkin: Luke Skywalker

The primary protagoinst of Episodes IV, V, and VI is Luke Skywalker. He’s perhaps the most famous of all of the Star Wars characters. He’s the savior of the Rebel Alliance and the Jedi. The leader of the Washington Capitals is Alex Ovechkin. He’s the primary protagonist of the Capitals as well. The two share quite a bit in common.

Luke Skywalker served as an apprentice under Kenobi before realizing his true powers. Ovechkin went a slightly different path. He didn’t really have a Kenobi figure with the Capitals until 2009 when the Capitals traded for his childhood idol and current mentor Sergei Fedorov. Washington Capitals fans saw Fedorov teach Ovechkin many things about what it means to be more than just an elite player, but how to be a leader as well. Ovechkin has clearly learned from Fedorov and has become both an elite leader and an elite player.

Luke Skywalker was a member of The Republic and battled against Darth Vader and The Empire. Ovechkin is a member of the Capitals and battles against Sidney Crosby and the Pittsburgh Penguins. The battles between the Washington Capitals and the Penguins are comparable to the epic battles that The Empire and The Republic had and the constant good versus evil battles throughout all the Star Wars movies.  We’ll have to see if Sidney Crosby is Alex Ovechkin’s father.
