An old Washington Capitals fan tries to learn a new trick
Hello, Caps Fans! And by hello, I mean LET’S GO CAPS! I wanted to take a quick moment to introduce myself. I am Jim, also known as the ‘ManInRed‘.
Many of you have seen, or even met, me at Washington Capitals home games and the occasional away game. This, coupled with the fact that I also get to interact with visiting fans, makes for an interesting game day experience for me.
I can honestly say that I feel that Caps fans are some of the most pleasant and knowledgeable hockey fans around. We have a well-earned reputation from visiting fans of respect and friendliness that I think should mean a lot to all of us. I hope that we are never included with some of the more notoriously unruly fan groups out there.
With that in mind, I have undertaken a new role as a contributor to Stars And Sticks. Its is my hope that I can bring a slightly different feel to the reporting done on the Capitals. I will be covering normal areas… players, games etc., but I would also like to include the fan base.
I am a lucky man – not only does my wife put up with me and my makeup, but I get to interact with some terrific fans at every game. I get to hear about wants, desires and expectations. I get to feel your emotion during a game. I get to see the joy in kids eyes when they get a puck from a player. It is my goal to bring to you those things.
This is Jim -- you've probably seen him around the arena on gamedays. He started painting his face in 2006 for the playoffs and it has now become his tradition and he's a staple at all home games! #CapsFanWeek #ALLCAPS pic.twitter.com/Zy1h3i4lWA
— Washington Capitals (@Capitals) April 3, 2019
I am still working on a format for some of my articles. But that’s where you can contribute to the effort. I want you to feel free to look me up or stop me at a game for a chat. You can even email me at jdhoover@comcast.net with questions, comments or ideas.
I look forward to sharing the love that I have for the Washington Capitals with you. And I hope that you will be able to share your experiences with me as well! See you at the Game!