#3 T.J. Oshie will compete in the Bridgestone NHL Fastest Skater competition
Sadly T.J. Oshie won’t get to compete in a Breakaway Challenge like Alex Ovechkin did several years ago. But we’ll always have that Ovi memory in our hearts.
What we’ll see Oshie compete in is the Bridgestone NHL Fastest Skater competition. For more, let’s learn more about this from NHL.com:
"Eight players will compete in the Bridgestone NHL Fastest Skater™. Each skater will be timed for one full lap around the rink. The skater may choose the direction of their lap and can be positioned a maximum of three feet behind the start line located on the penalty box side of the center red line. The skater must start on the referee’s whistle and the timing clock will start when the skater crosses the start line. In the event of a clock malfunction, the official time will be recorded by the referee’s stopwatch. The skater with the fastest time is the winner of the Bridgestone NHL Fastest Skater™, and if there is a tie for the fastest time, the tied players will skate another lap to determine the winner."
I can see Oshie and seven other players competing in this one. Two per division is my guess.