Washington Capitals: Top 5 Jerseys in Washington Capitals History

Ilya Samsonov, Washington Capitals (Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)
Ilya Samsonov, Washington Capitals (Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)
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#1 – The 2018 Retro Thirds

John Carlson, Washington Capitals (Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images)
John Carlson, Washington Capitals (Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images)

I know, these seem to be cursed…but how can these not be the best jerseys the Capitals have ever worn?

All of the colours just work together so well, and the accent of the stars really helps represent D.C. as the capital of the United States. These Adizero-style versions of the jersey are great.

Unlike a lot of other teams, the collar on these Adizero jerseys is perfect, leaving it simply white all the way around (see the New York Islanders jersey for the worst collar in the NHL).

As previously mentioned, I do not love the Adizero shoulders but I think they look decent on this sweater. My only complaint with these jerseys, and the problem I have with the possibility of them switching to these full-time, is the logo.

Yes, I love how vintage it is and for that exact reason, it is a great third. But the logo is just too old to be a modern NHL team’s logo. Maybe a jersey with a similar pattern with the Weagle at the centre? One can only dream.


Well, there you have it. My personal list of the top 5 jerseys in Washington Capitals history. I know some, if not all of you will disagree. I may have lost some fans. I may lose friends and family. I’d be stunned if I don’t receive death threats. But that would all be worth it to know that I got my truth out there to the world.

The Capitals have had some pretty nice jerseys in the past, but also some pretty terrible ones too; As I am sure every team in the NHL has. Let’s hope their next sweaters, whenever they choose to add a new one, fall under the “pretty nice” category. More than that, let’s hope I’m still alive to comment on them after this article goes live.