#2 Serenity prayer
Know it. It's powerful. We aren't incoporating religion we are just a hockey blog but the Caps can't control the way the Rangers play. And it's important that while the Caps SHOULD get physical they should know their limits. Teams don't pick the zebras the NHL does.
Of course there was some questionable calls the other night that should've gone the other way. Of course Aretemi Panarin got away with burglary with what he did with his hands to T.J. Oshie's neck. There will be some retaliation one way or another. But remember to keep your cool while retailing at the same time if you're playing for the Caps and reading this.
Caps fans you have to play a part in this too especially if you're lucky enough to have a ticket to Game 3. There WILL be New Yorkers there. We have to let them know that they have entered the most powerful city in the world. What brings us together 41 nights a year is when we all don red in unision and cheer on our boys.
Our support is what even got the Capitals to the big dance in the first place.