#2 The Greatest Goal Ovi has ever scored
He outdoes himself every year but there was this particular goal from Ovi's rookie year that helped him stand out among the League and he perhaps locked in that Calder Trophy for Rookie of the Year with this one in Arizona. Coaching on the other bench at the time was none other than Wayne Gretzky himself.
As Ovi corralled the puck on his stick, he slipped and fell while continuing puck control and was able to push the puck to the back of the net. After the unthinkable happened, Gretzky couldn't stop watching the video board.
"I had two thoughts," Gretzky would tell Craig Morgan of gophnx.com. 'How can five guys on the ice not stop a guy on his knees with a rolling puck?' And then, 'S---, my record could be in trouble.'"
Ovechkin would add in the same story, "I didn't see that (Gretzky looking up at the videoboard). Only after I saw it. Yeah, of course, it was a special moment."